#VoiseyRoyalty Compilation Album by #RoyaltyCollection #ATL #DMV #HOUSTON #PHILADELPHIA #PullupSessions “Make The Cut” for TRCDistro 26 Song Album Release

Royalty Collection & HEATWaveBeatClub “Pulls Up” in ATL to meet the hottest undiscovered talent in the US from the Voisey App

Posted  1,856 Views updated 6 months ago

4th Stop of The Royalty Collection “Pullup Sessions” held in ATL

Many people missed the #voiseyappera in the #Covid19 #panedemic #quarantine but there was something revolutionary going on amongst the digital music community that changed the entire narrative of collaboration, songwriting, features, music production & music video creation.... The "Voisey" App. It allowed creators the opportunity to achieve all this inside of this one powerpacked music creation app. Creators abandoned other social media platforms and became engolfed in their creativity in this app. If you could thing of a social media that the only way you could could communicate with people was thru music. No inbox messaging function, no ads or sponsors, and all activity done in the community was initiated by the community & supported by the Voisey app. 

You may have read my article or the previous articles about the 2020 #TRCDistro #voiseyroyaltychallenge & the #voiseyroyaltycompetition craze (CLICK HERE TO VIEW PREVIOS ARTICLE)
But after the challenge & competion were over and ballots were in for the winning artist & song, We planned an Awesome "PullUp" Experiences that allowed Artists & Producers from the Voisey App to meet up in person and collaborate on some hit music to create the VoiseyRoyalty Compilation

ATL “PullUp” Session Artists

32 trending to viral artist on the Voisey app, attended the ATL PullUp Session and met in-person for the 1st time off of the app.

Listen to what some of these artists had to say about their experience at the Sessions:


Plainoldd (DC)


PlainoldD “Echo” (featuring Sye)

"Name Donald Andrè, my friends call me Dre, stage name is PlainOldD. Age 31 from the DMV area, Been on voisey a year and a half. I’ve been singing all my life, Started in church lol you know how it goes.... Got introduced to voisey by some friends where I was contacted by Tron and imbheat to be apart of the team. My expectations where to go and do what I do and that’s create, The pull up was everything I imagined and more. Umm the experience was all love. My favorite moment was eating red velvet cake with my sunflower (Friend) Junne Skyes crea8tive JE stole the show. I felt like people really understood how I really move after they met me. I’m ready for the next link up it was so much fun to be around like minded people. I’m looking forward to the success it brings everyone involved. As far as my career goes I’m kinda a wake up and go kinda guy do we will see where it goes but I expect great things. Absolutely would participate in another link up"


Kia Kerr (ATL)


Kia Kërr “Best Thing”

Chakrah (GA)


"I'm Cameron Dixon aka Chakrah 26 years old, From Atlanta, GA (Lithonia). I have been on Voisey now for a year and maybe 4 months. I never really sung nor rapped before I got on the app. It all started there. I was a musician and producer initially, and I still consider myself that til this day. The saxophone is my bread and butter to everything else. 
I got familiar with the app once I saw a friend of mines from college make some videos by way of Voisey. I knew immediately that getting my beats on here first and foremost was going to be a golden opportunity. Once I figured it out, and my first few beats were posted, the sky was the limit. Tron and BHeat hit me up and the rest is history. My expectations were to create, make music, learn and make moments that I'll never forget. It was great. ATL is my home, so I was more than happy to link up with such dope artists. I was excited to see all of my friends who I've come to know well through Voisey. It didn't even feel like I was in a room full of strangers. Everyone felt like I had met them face-to-face already. That ultimately was an amazing experience. I feel great man. Couldn't have asked for a better experience. But, knowing the kind of individuals associated with this project, the experiences will get better. I'm looking forward to seeing how far this project takes all of the people involved in the process. 
My thoughts on this project and the studio sessions are more so geared towards what I've learned from individuals. I've learned countless things involving music, business, industry rhetoric, etc. And I can only progress and continue to grow from here. If I have the resources and ability to attend another Royalty Collection Pullup Session, I will definitely do so."


Cre8tive Je (LA)




"Yo, Yo, it's MJB, I've been rapping since around 12 years old, singing just about all my life.I started around 2012. A friend of mine told me to hop on a track with his crew and that was my first time really taking it serious. I saw the Voisey app searching for other music apps. Had it on my phone for 3 months before i even opened it, lol. Tron & Bheat introduced me to the Royalty Collection. I expected to have a great time collaborating with great people creating great music. I imagined it to be just similar to what it was, but it was actually better. My experience in ATL was great. I'm glad to finally see these awesome people in person. The way everyone collaborated on songs and showed love to one another were my favorite moments.
I was honestly surprised to see everyone. All good surprises. I felt like we should have done this a long time ago. Looking forward to more great moments like this. I'm definitely ready for the next Pullup Session. If it's anything like ATL, we're gonna make some big moves soon. Im looking forward for this project to show how a group of like minded people can form a project thats better than any mainstream album. I feel like I'm just scratching the surface as far as my music career. I thank God for my talents & I'm excited for what's next to come. I would participate in another Pullup Session, for sure."

Vonte Picassionte (NC)


Carrie Jo (MI)


VontePicassionte & CarrieJo “Toxic”

Sirron Lee & Vo_Cals (NC)


SirRon Lee & Vo_Cals

VayKay (ATL)


"My name is Kanisha VayKay really is a nickname as well not just my artist name or voisey name. I’ve been on voisey since April of 2020. I start singing literally since I could talk. Church kid etc.
I saw a Music teacher post the app logo in a teacher forum and they asked if anyone heard of it… I downloaded it and the rest is history. TRON IS BROOOOOO he was like one of my first few followers… and he reached out and I’m eternally grateful. 
I didn't really have any expectations. I was just glad I could come. My experience in ATL was Great. Pretty much from there, but I had never been where the pull up was… and I was surprised because I use to live like 10-15 minutes away. So Royalty Collection showed me somethin bout my own city lol. My favorite moments in the ATL PullUp Sessions were finally meeting everyone in person, and scoping out live recording vibes with them and observing their work in the booth! I love the natural studio high that happens once everything gets cookin. The way I felt once I met everyone face-to-face was Delightful. Wonderful to put the actual human to the voices I’ve gotten to know through the app. The pullup was wonderful! I hated I had things to do on Saturday! Ready to (hopefully) be able to make the rest! I am looking forward to hearing all of the songs that were created during these sessions. My thoughts as far is it involves my musical career are: In my real life outside of Voisey, I am a Music Educator and Musician… I’m a lover of all sides of music and to be honest, business, production, and creating was one of my first loves. I just never published my own things because I decided to get my music education degree first. When I discovered Voisey during the Pandemic, it reminded me of my childhood. I would carry around a blue cassette tape karaoke machine with a microphone and put empty tape in, press record and just sing. Freestyle about anything. I would record me reading or acting out my poetry or read singing the poems and stories I would write and have a blast by my damn self (if not with my sis or cousins). So, to have the same type of fun and outlet on the app has allowed me to network in ways I never thought I would. I enjoy that you can develop a legit fan base and family on the platform much like you all have done by creating this project. To see the artistry come together in real life is ABSOLUTELY an expansion of knowledge and experience inside my personal career along with so many others. Think about it, there are people who never thought to release music RELEASING MUSIC on their own AND WITH THIS PROJECT. Even personally, if I do BGVS or an entire song on this project and it releases before I finish my solo stuff, THIS PROJECT will be my first solo release… even if it’s JUST BGVS or a few “VayKay runs” (as a voisey friend has deemed them). That is huge and I’m appreciative for that opportunity. This has had a positive effect on my music career. 
Aaaaaaaaaaaabsolutely! I would participate in another Royalty Collection Pullup Session."

TLark (NV) CEO


"From this project I wanna show the world a new wave of talented individuals from all walks of life who met on a singing app and made history! We definitely have some Grammy worthy singers, writers, producers, on this project hopefully someone’s career blossoms that’s what this is all about! I been in this business over 20 years worked with some legendary people and for some great companies. I feel it’s my turn to help usher in the new talent like Quincy Jones Russell Simmons Dick Scott did for music. just helping create ARTIST YOU’LL LOVE songs that will tell this generations life story that’s why this project is so important it’s the voice of this generation past and future I can’t wait to deliver it to the world! Next pull-up will be in LA for this listening party dates TBA. Just wanna thank everyone on this project that made this possible it’s truly an honor to be around such INCREDIBLY TALENTED an HUMBLE people! Grammy’s make room for The Royalty Collection Album it’s gonna be a CLASSIC!"


Click this link for more album info


Your reaction?



Love this! More to come

Brandon Broadnax

Thanks, lets keep tapping in

  • #VoiseyRoyalty Compilation Album by #RoyaltyCollection #ATL #DMV #HOUSTON #PHILADELPHIA #PullupSessions “Make The Cut” for TRCDistro 26 Song Album Release
  • Brandon Broadnax